Wednesday, 20 August 2008


Check out my website for free games, 3d models, textures, sound FX etc!!


Tuesday, 19 February 2008

NEW FLASH GAME - The Morning After

My new flash game is out, you can find it on my main site!!

Its a morning after the party night before adventure game with minigames and crazy characters to interact with, check it out here!!


Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Icescape - Flash Game Walkthrough

Icescape walkthrough by Psionic

Please try to get through the game without reading this and play it as it was intended ;-)

Sleeping Quarters
1. Click the chest of drawers to move them under the vent.
2. Turn around and pick up the mints on the right then click the red toolbox.
3. Click the gloves to wear them, click the mints and then click the handle on top of the toolbox to open it.
4. Take the screwdriver, go back, turn around and click the vent.
5. Click the "i" to open the inventory and click the scredriver to use it.
6. Click on each of the 4 screws on the vent to remove the cover and move to the next room.

1. Pickup the mints in the bottom left corner then click on the lock, use the screwdrver to take off the cover.
2. Go back and click the dustbin, pickup the hat on top and the wire cutters from the bin.
3. Turn around and open the oven, eat the pie, theres also some mints on the far right.
4. Click the radio, click it again to turn it around, use the screwdriver to take the back off and click the batteries.
5. Go back, turn around and on the door look, use the wire cutters to cut each wire.
6. Open the inventory and choose the batteries, place them on the wire ends to make a circuit and unlock the door.
7. Exit the room.

1. Pick up the mints at the bottom of the stais on the left, the coat is also on the back wall.
2. Go upstairs.
3. Pickup more mints from the bottom of the steps and proceed to the corridor.

1. Click the arrow to go to next part.
2. Roof caves in, theres a pipe on the right amongst the rubble, pick it up!!
3. Open inventory and use the pipe on the window of the door on the left to open the secret room.
4. Pick up the mints, tape recorder and the pie.
5. Go back, Use pipe on the sewer cover to open it, click to head into the sewer.

1. Pickup the mints on the left, and the unlocking wheel on the right.
2. Click the arrow to move forward, open the Inventory and click the wheel, click it on the cover to open it.
3. Click the arrow to head upstairs.

Computer Room
1. Turn around, Click on the storeroom to enter it, Pickup the mints on the left.
2. Click the box on the floor to move it, pick up the fuse.
3. Go back to computer room, Pick up the mints on the floor on the left of the storeroom door.
4. Turn around back to the computer, Click the safe to go into the safe minigame. MOVE THE MOUSE FAR AWAY FROM THE DIAL FOR MORE ACCURACY!!
5. Match the dial to the numbers, unlock 5 tumblers to get another fuse and the gun.
6. Go into the Generator Room, pickup the key from the key rack on the left and the fuse from the barrel.
7. Theres also a pie in the bottom right.
8. Use the key to open each cover, the power and the pressure, then click the power to enter its minigame.
9. Complete the circuits to activate the power.
10. Click the pressure box to enter the pressure minigame.
11. Match the pieces to the boxes to complete the pipes and activate the pressure.
12. Click the switch on the right wall to activate the generator.
13. Go back to the computer room, click the laptop on the left, click the draw to close it.
14. Pickup the monthly report, click it in your inventory to read the cover, click again to close it.
15. Click the laptop and enter "ozzy" as the username and "3dgr" as the password, click Login.
16. The door to the communications room is now open, click it to enter.

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

New game in progress...

I'm working on another flash game at the moment but I cant say too much about it other than its another escape type game with minigames/puzzles but this is gonna be gross and funny (hopefully) Very Happy

anyway heres a few character designs/ideas I've been working on...

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Icescape - Flash game online
This is my first attempt at an escape em up/adventure type game, I had quite a tight deadline and it took around 3 weeks from start to finish to create the game, the graphics, the sound fx and music (with a lot of late nights and a weekender) and it was inspired by the movie "The Thing"

I used SwishMAX to code the game in, Cinema 4D and Photoshop for the graphics, FL Studio and Audacity for the music/sound fx!!

I wanted to create a small scifi/horror point n click type game as something different from my shootemups and hopefully learn some new coding stuff along the way (as I'm primarily an artist) anyway I did learn a lot and hope to create a sequel soon so your input is much appreciated!!

I might write a walkthrough if it seems like one is required but I doubt it will be ;-)

I hope you enjoy it, either way feel free to provide some feedback!!



Walkthrough at:-

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

New Flash game "Icescape" coming soon

I'm currently working on the last few scenes of my next game in Swish Max thats quite a bit different from my other games, its a point and click adventure game set in a research base in the artic circle...some strange things are happening and its up to you to find out whats going and also survive the extreme cold!!

More info very soon!!

Sunday, 9 December 2007

Digital Art books Competition closed!!

The competition is closed, Congratulations have to go to Sonic Liquid and Eagle for their winning entries!!

Also Many Thanks to everyone who entered, Thanks guys!!

Monday, 3 December 2007

Art Competition ends this week!!

If your interested in winning some cool Digital Art books theres still a week to enter your final entry into the COMPETITION on my forums, Deadline is 7th December 2007 with the winners announced on Sunday!!

On another note I'm working on a very different kind of flash game (for me at least) its an escape-em-up/adventure type game with logical puzzles to solve, theres a very early test on my forums as well in case your interested ;)


Thursday, 29 November 2007

VoidGunner flash game now online!!
My 3rd Game just went live on and I've uploaded it to Newgrounds as well!!

Its a fast paced pseudo-3D space shooter with weapon upgrades, shield upgrades, massive explosions and loads of nebula's PLUS awards for accua=racy and sheer amount of killage!!

All created in SwishMAX with graphics done in Cinema 4D/Photoshop, Music and sound FX created in FL Studio/Audacity. All content created by me from start to finish over the last 2 months!!

Anyway have a play, dont expect anything too sophisticated as I'm still a noob on the programming side of things but I'm learning more with each project, Talking of projects I've made a start on my next one...its an ADVENTURE game and not a shooter!!

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

NEW ART COMPETITION - Design a Character sheet!!

I've just setup a new competition on my forums to win 2 art books by ILEX Press and all you have to do is create a character sheet based on the template provided, click the picture above to find out more!!

The deadline for the competition is December 7th 2007

Monday, 5 November 2007

This is my latest game, its based on a concept sketch of aliens many years ago, I decided to make a game based on these creatures crawling up from underground mostly because I recently created this creature as a test in ZBrush 3.

I rigged and animated it in Cinema 4D and output the frames as transparent PNG's then imported those into SwishMax. Then I created a few backgrounds using various textures and 3D hole created in Cinema 4D with a little post work in photoshop as usual.

it was initally 10 levels with a story line and simple weapon upgrade halfway through but I scrapped that idea based on some good advice from the guys at

..and because the story was a bit crappy to say the least ;-) anyway it turned into a faster more frantic game with a few unlockables like the survival mode and art gallery, plus I added stuff like headshots and triple headshots to help good players boost their score!!

Again I learned a lot on this project and hope to apply those things to my next game, more news on that in the next few days...

Shuriken - Flash ninja game
This was a game I made recently inspired by an old game called "Shinobi" that I used to play as a kid in the video store, plus I grew up watching ninja films etc and wanted to make a flash game based on Ninja's!!

So I started by dressing up as a ninja which was fun lol and took a bunch of photos much like stop frame animation and then I took about 36 frames into Photoshop, tweaked the colours and cut me off the background on "EVERY" frame...that was fun...

Then I made the first scene in Cinema 4D and got the basics of the game going, I had a lot of problems especially with the throwing of the shuriken but figured it out in the end. I also painted over the inital 3D render to make it look dirtier and generally like the Ninja's were currently attacking the village!!

Then I made the Waterfall scene and finally the Castle scene, again with lots of photoshopping to make it all look a little less CG so to speak then its was lots of testing and tweaking of the code, ninja positions etc!!

Finally I added the backend/frontend pages and menus along with the unlockable hard mode!!

I have to say massive thanks to for their great advice and also for sponsoring the game and adding the highscore system (damn some people are good at it)

Vhack A Vole - Flash whack a mole style game
I Made this little game recently as a test really and to get back into making flash games. I used SwishMax and it took about a week from start to finish, its a very simple game but I learned a lot of things like using functions etc for often used code...whereas before I did a lot of copy/pasting ;)

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Alien Scum Slaughter - Flash alien shooter
I figured I'd write a quick description of each of the games I've made so far, starting with the oldest!!

I Made this little game way back in 2001 using Flash 4 and it took about 2 days without sleep (I worked through the night) its very basic and I didn't even know how to hide the mouse and add a targeter at that point, how I cobbled together the rest of it I'll never know but I do remember reading a "lot" of tutorials and help files ;)

Anyway feel free to waste a few minutes blasting them pesky green aliens, but dont expect too much lol.

Wednesday, 24 October 2007


Well, I figured I might as well post something to get this thing rollin'. I will be posting updates of the Flash games I'm working on and also links to the Flash games I've completed, plus links to other cool online games!!

I use a program called Swishmax to create the Flash games and I use Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Zbrush3, etc to create the graphics and FruityLoops Producer to create the music and sound fx. I'm pretty new to the programming side of things so my games are relatively basic but for the time being "hopefully" the graphics will carry them while I'm learning more advanced stuff ;)

I hope to be updating several times a week as I intend to be travelling around a bit, working and mountain biking plus doing a little photography for textures/inspiration etc so stop by if your interested in that kinda thing!!