VoidGunner flash game now online!! - Psionic's Flash Games Blog

Thursday, 29 November 2007

VoidGunner flash game now online!!

My 3rd Game just went live on Mousebreaker.com and I've uploaded it to Newgrounds as well!!

Its a fast paced pseudo-3D space shooter with weapon upgrades, shield upgrades, massive explosions and loads of nebula's PLUS awards for accua=racy and sheer amount of killage!!

All created in SwishMAX with graphics done in Cinema 4D/Photoshop, Music and sound FX created in FL Studio/Audacity. All content created by me from start to finish over the last 2 months!!

Anyway have a play, dont expect anything too sophisticated as I'm still a noob on the programming side of things but I'm learning more with each project, Talking of projects I've made a start on my next one...its an ADVENTURE game and not a shooter!!


k.rainey said...

I liked this game it was fun

Psi said...

Thanks for checking it out ;-)

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Anonymous said...

Really,Very good game this.
I will it my pages,too.thank you