Icescape - Flash game online - Psionic's Flash Games Blog

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Icescape - Flash game online
This is my first attempt at an escape em up/adventure type game, I had quite a tight deadline and it took around 3 weeks from start to finish to create the game, the graphics, the sound fx and music (with a lot of late nights and a weekender) and it was inspired by the movie "The Thing"

I used SwishMAX to code the game in, Cinema 4D and Photoshop for the graphics, FL Studio and Audacity for the music/sound fx!!

I wanted to create a small scifi/horror point n click type game as something different from my shootemups and hopefully learn some new coding stuff along the way (as I'm primarily an artist) anyway I did learn a lot and hope to create a sequel soon so your input is much appreciated!!

I might write a walkthrough if it seems like one is required but I doubt it will be ;-)

I hope you enjoy it, either way feel free to provide some feedback!!



Walkthrough at:-


Unknown said...

Thanks for giving me the pleasure to play your game. It was fun.

I only wish it was longer and bigger and perhaps if you had all the time and money in the world to sit down and make more free games, you would have definitely gone on to present a storyline that was a little less rigidly linear and little more developed. Pretty damn amazing for 3 weeks though. I'd love to see what someone with your talent could do with the right resources and time.

Please make more games because it is one of the best games for this genre that I've come across in a long while. Great graphics, nice interface, a decent storyline, and a nice sprinkle of varying puzzle styles throughout.

Excellent game. I really really enjoyed this one and give it top marks. Please make more.

Psi said...

Wow, extremely kind words, many thanks!!

I do intend to make more and although this one is a little short/linear I learnt enough to make something much better for the sequel...

I'm already scribbling ideas down ;-)

One is adding a combat system, RPG style with lots of monsters/upgrades etc ;-)

Thanks again for playing and taking the time to comment!!